Tid(y)Up F(ol)low the Plastic from source to the sea: Tisza-Danube integrated action plan to eliminate plastic pollution of rivers

Despite the advanced waste management and ambitious recycling objectives of the EU, studies indicate the presence of macroplastic and microplastic pollution in rivers of Europe. Tid(y)Up project is focusing on the improvement of water quality and reduction of plastic pollution in one of Europe’s most heavily contaminated rivers, the Tisza, and investigates plastic pollution and its effect on the Danube and the Black Sea. Currently there are no standard methods and consistent data available on plastic pollution of rivers in the Danube Basin that would help harmonized actions of water management authorities and allow cooperation with other sectors. In Tid(y)Up, project partners develop and launch a set of integrated actions, consult and provide tools for relevant stakeholders and initiate long term transboundary and intersectoral cooperation with the aim of monitoring and eliminating the plastic pollution. The project operates with a list of diverse tools including research activities to standardize methods for estimation of the size of pollution, formulating recommendations toward standardized measurement and analyzing methods. The partnership of Tid(y)Up will carry out field trips, expeditions, pilot actions to identify and restore polluted areas, as well as education and awareness raising actions for prevention. The novelty of the project is that it provides tools, data and the assessment of various used methodology for understanding of the sources, nature and risks of contamination flows; and delivers practical examples of possible actions and legislative solutions both on local and transnational level. The key focus is to gather all necessary information, raise awareness of the relevant actors and provide them with practical tools in order to create active, cooperating communities in the fight against the plastic waste contamination and contribute to the work of water authorities to improve water quality by providing input for the upcoming revision of DRBMP.

F(ol)low the Plastic from source to the sea: Tisza-Danube integrated action plan to eliminate plastic pollution of rivers
Start date
End date
Budget in Euro
Overall: 1628193.54
ERDF Contribution: 1138263.5
IPA Contribution: 86262.25
ENI Contribution: 159438.75
Call number
Call 3
Environment and culture responsible Danube region
Specific objective
Strengthen transnational water management and flood risk prevention

Project Partners

Name Type Email Country
Filmjungle.eu Society Lead partner molnar.attila.david@termeszetfilm.hu Hungary
Association of Environmental Enterprises ERDF partner ugyvezeto@kszgysz.hu Hungary
Institute of Oceanology – Bulgarian Academy of Science ERDF partner vraykov@io-bas.bg Bulgaria
Multisalva Association ERDF partner szabolcs@multisalva.ro Romania
Agency for the Support of Regional Development Košice n.o. ERDF partner henrieta.kiralvargova@arr.sk Slovakia
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Project News

  • Tid(y)Up - 6 Countries Are Adopting Our Best Practices
    - 29-11-2022
    6 Countries Are Adopting Our Best Practices

    Imagine a plastic free riverside snack bar or camp site… No plastic plates or cutleries, selective waste collection is in use, and the beach is kept clean. Imagine institutions, schools, local governments that teach, deem vital and demonstrate...

  • Tid(y)Up - We Have Gone from the “Source to the Sea”
    - 29-11-2022
    We Have Gone from the “Source to the Sea”

    11 November 2022 -The results of the international river protection project Tid(y)Up – Follow the Plastic from Source to the Sea were presented at a two-day closing event. In the framework of this co-ordinated action plan, as a result of research...

  • Tid(y)Up - The Floating Exhibition reaches the Black Sea
    - 11-10-2022
    The Floating Exhibition reaches the Black Sea

    All across the world, the production and distribution of thermoplastic polymers - commonly known as plastics - are multimillion dollar industries that provide employment and livelihood for many. Recollection and recycling of plastic on the other...

    - 18-07-2022

    When Vásárosnamény's delegate to the 7th Tisza Roundtable stood up at the coffee break, she was shocked - literally. Environmental officer Erzsébet Széles pulled the curtain only to find out that the conference room has a view to one of the...

  • Tid(y)Up - FLEX debuts in Slovakia, Košice
    - 06-06-2022
    FLEX debuts in Slovakia, Košice

    In May 2022, residents of the beautiful Slovakian city of Košice witnessed some strange-looking containers arriving on trucks. Once they settled safely in the Kasárne Kulturpark, the blue boxes opened up and so the story of the Floating...

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)