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Párisi Udvar Hotel, Budapest, Hungary, 01 June 2022

What is the purpose of this workshop?

This high-level event will inform you about the latest developments and tools of Industrial Symbiosis in Hungary and in the European Union.

During this workshop, you will:

  • Hear and meet high-profile Hungarian speakers in the field of Industrial Symbiosis;
  • Learn about the CircLean network and tools supporting Industrial Symbiosis transactions. CircLean is a network and an IT infrastructure at the level of the European Union, launched by the European Commission, DG GROW, supporting (1) the self-assessment of companies on their readiness for Industrial Symbiosis, (2) the matching of supply and demand of resources of all kinds to reach an Industrial Symbiosis transaction and (3) the unified reporting of the impact of these transactions;
  • Meet fellow practitioners of Industrial Symbiosis in Hungary: businesses, associations, public authorities, Research & Innovation organisations.

Why you should attend

This workshop will give you an unique opportunity to learn about the newest developments at Hungarian and European Union levels that will enable you to enhance and develop the performance of your current and future Industrial Symbiosis activities.

Who are the speakers and participants in the workshop?

High-level speakers at the workshop include:

  • Ferenc HIZÓ, Deputy State Secretary of the Secretariat for Circular Economy Policy at Ministry of Innovation and Technology;
  • Anestis FILIOPOULOS, European Commission, Unit Green and Circular Economy (GROW.I.3);
  • Gergely TÓTH, Secretary General, KÖVET Association for Sustainable Economies;
  • Gergely HANKÓ, Managing Director, KSZGYSZ, Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises;
  • Katalin HERNER, Executive Director, KÖVET;
  • Krisztina WÉGNER, Circular Economy Expert, KSZGYSZ;
  • Péter CHRABÁK, Circular Economy Research Group Leader, Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd;
  • James WOODCOCK, International Manager, International Synergies Ltd.

Participants in the workshop will be practitioners of Industrial Symbiosis in Hungary: businesses, associations, public authorities and Research & Innovation organisations.

When and where does the workshop take place?

The workshop will take place on:

Wednesday 01 June 2022, from 10:00 to 15:30 hours CEST

in the Párisi Udvar Hotel Budapest, H-1052 Budapest, Petőfi Sándor u. 2-4.

How is the workshop organised?

Mode of participation

The event is an in-person event, with remote intervention from international speakers.


Participation in the workshop and catering (coffee breaks, lunch) is free of charge for the participants, but registration is mandatory. Participants pay their own accommodation and traveling costs.


To register, please fill in the online registration form

 on or before Friday 27 May 2022.

Working languages

The working languages during the workshop will be:

  • Hungarian (introduction, keynote, moderation, round tables); and
  • English (introduction by Commission, presentation of the tools).

Questions & Answers to English-speaking speakers will be translated between English and Hungarian and back.

Connect with us today!

Association of Environmental Enterprises
Keleti Károly u. 11/A., 1024 Budapest, 
Phone.: 350-7271, 350-7274, 336-0680
e-mail: kszgysz(at)

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