A new comprehensive and an easy to comprehend ‘Plastic Guide’ was born in cooperation with Danone Hungary and the Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises (HAEE a highly recognized NGO in the field of sustainability).
The purpose of this new plastic guide is to give useful information to Hungarian consumers about the plastics found in the market. The guide also provides not only details about the different kind of plastics, but also presents practices about the way – where and how – the various plastics could be recollected and recycled. With this knowledge the ‘Plastic Guide’ aims to be of help to everyone to make more conscious and sustainable choices day by day.
Danone’s ‘One Planet. One Health’ vision aims at nurturing the adoption of healthier, more sustainable eating and drinking habits while protecting the planet. When discussing sustainability, it is important to talk about waste – it matters greatly how much natural resources we use up and how much inorganic, often unnatural materials we throw away to the trash. Plastic’s prominence in the 20th century led to a technological revolution. Different kinds of plastics became irreplaceable in the car, packaging, or electronics industry. However, today the word ‘plastic’ has a negative connotation when it comes to the issue of sustainability. Although plastic in itself is not the problem. It is much more about what purpose do we use it for and what do we do when we do not need it anymore.
In Hungary people produce 16-19 million tons of waste yearly, from which 3,5-3,7 million tons is municipal waste. 12-15% of the municipal solid waste is plastic. These plastics are mostly packaging wastes such as beverage and detergent bottles, plastic bags or food packaging trays and foils. Danone’s and the HAEE’s ‘Plastic Guide’ helps people to recognize the types of plastics that are recyclable. To see the whole picture, it is also worth knowing the Hungarian recycling and waste collection trends or the EU’s stance on single-use plastics. Therefore, the ‘Plastic Guide’ provides a short overview of the main questions and definitions of sustainability, the ecological footprint, and the Hungarian packaging waste situation. At the end of the ‘Plastic Guide’ there are short explanations about 10 different types of plastics used in everyday life, including information on how to recycle them.