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Date: October 18-19, 2018


Visk/Vyshkove (Ukrajna) Vulytsya Chervona Ploshcha 1., Zakarpats'ka oblast, 90454
GPS: 48°02'56.0"N 23°25'12.1"E, 48.048890, 23.420016


Moszkal Hennagyij Hennagyijovics, President of the Regional Central State Office for Administration of Transcarpathia
and István Grezsa, Ministerial Commissioner for the Development of Transcarpathia and the Carpathian Basin Nursery School Development Program

With the support of: Bethlen Gábor Fund

Participants: Decision makers from Ukraine and Hungary, authorities responsible for waste and water management, member companies of the Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises, representatives of environmental laboratories, researchers, environment and nature conservation NGOs, competent state administration bodies

 The working language of the Conference is Hungarian and Ukrainian. Simultaneous translation will be provided (by the organizers)

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The Aim of the Program:                     

After two very successful and effective roundtables in Hungary on the topic of Transcarpathia (Szolnok in 2016 and Vásárosnamény in 2017), this round table  is going to gather 30-40 participants from all relevant target group, with the aim of developing a list of priorities (database production), and list the most important steps for achieving the Clean Transcarpathia goals. On the first day of the program, a roundtable with professional lectures will be organized, including the workgroup, while a study tour will be held on the second day, during which a heavily polluted area will be visited, which we will use as an opportunity to present the micro plastic measurement methodology, as well as an application for polluted site location.

The top priority of the Program is to share and discuss experiences from the Waste Management Expo in Kiev and, based on it, decide what the most important professional future steps are. We should support implementation of newly adopted Ukrainian Waste Management Strategy, establish cooperation between our countries and organizations and discuss the most important professional steps in that context, with emphasis on preserving our environment and improving its status. In addition, we are also organizing awareness-raising campaigns in the region in order to promote public awareness and promote environmental awareness as well.

III. Круглий стіл та ярмарок ідей За Чисту Тису.

Thursday, October 18th 2018 (in Kiev time):

After going through lectures and a brainstorming session led by the moderator, we will discuss the solutions with the help from Ex Ante Consulting Office.

09.00 – Registration, coffee, discussion during the preview of the “PLASTIC Cup” movie, with English subtitles

Moderator: Gergely Hankó, Managing Director of the Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises

09.30 – Welcoming remarks:

- Vice president of the Regional Central State Office for Administration of Transcarpathia

09.50 – National Waste Management Strategy in Ukraine until 2030: challenges and opportunities” – Makovetska Yulia, PhD in economics, senior researcher, Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Tatyana Omelianenko, PhD in economics, Coordinator of the ISWA Young Professional Group in Ukraine

10.20 – Waste management in Transcarpathia and future plans – Béla Zsidik, AVE

10.45 – Inter-municipal cooperation in the field of MSW management in Ukraine” – Makovetska Yulia, PhD in economics, senior researcher, Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Tatyana Omelianenko, Coordinator of the ISWA Young Professionals Group in Ukraine

11.10 – Questions and answers, coffee break

11.35 - Presentation of Clean Transcarpathia and PLASTIC Cup project and the experiences of the Waste Management Expo in Kiev - Gergely Hankó, Managing Director of the Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises and the PLASTIC Cup project manager

12.00 - How the "zero waste" paradigm is being implemented in Lviv (Ukraine) - Diana Popfalushi, Zero Waste Lviv (coordinator).

12.25 – The problem of the water pollution in Tisa – perspective from the Hungarian water authorities – László Ambrus, Head of Departement, Upper-Tisza-Regional Water Directorate

12.50 – The natural cycle of micro plastics – an introductory part for the field visit on the second day - Dániel Nagy, Wessling Hungary Ltd.

13.15 – Natural treasures and protected species of Transcarpathia - Szabolcs Szanyi, President, PAPILIO - Nature and Environment Association

13.40 – International cooperation opportunities – example of HRUSKOUA Cross-border cooperation Program and other opportunities to apply for cooperation

László Bús, R & D business manager, Ex Ante Ltd.

14.10 – Questions and answers

14.25 --- Lunch ---

15.30 – 17.30 – Brainstorming and looking for solutions

1. How can we help in achieving progress with the Waste strategy?
2. Who are the main stakeholders and how do we address them?
3. Awareness raising (Education and communication) what can we do to make our river clean?

17.30 – 18.00 Conclusions and closing of the first day

Friday, October 19th 2018

Meeting time at 9:00 in front of the Municipal Office, in Kiev time

We will have a field visit to the heavily polluted area of Tisza coast, where we will demonstrate the measurement of the level of micro plastics, with the help of colleagues from Wessling Hungary kft, followed with a demonstration from the PLASTIC Cup project participants on the detection of polluted sites by using the Trash Out application. As part of the activities within the Clean Transcarphatia program, the project participants, together with volunteers engaged in the PLASTIC Cup project will clean the site.

The main findings of the Conference, including exchanging experience and future plans will be summarized in Ukrainian, Hungarian and English.

The Conference is organized with the support of the Bethlen Gábor Fund.

Other supporters: Wessling Hungary Ltd., Ex Ante Consulting Office

If you want to participate, please register by e-mail:

Application Deadline: October 13, 2018

For more information, feel free to contact:                           
Gergely Hanko–
00 36 20 383 62 42      


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