The Association of Environmental Enterprises is pleased to announce
their call for presentations for their conference:
Remediation and Brownfield Investments
Date: May 14-15, 2019 (Tuesday and Wednesday)
Organisation Committee:
Dr. Anikó Somody, Remediation and Damage Control Working Party in AEE
Mária Bálint, Bálint Analitika Kft.
Gábor Hasznos, Ministry of Agriculture
Lonsták László, GeoConnect Kft.
Irma Zöldi, Hungarian General Directorate of Water Management (OVF)
The Remediation and Damage Control Working Party in the Association of Environmental Enterprises has organised successful professional conferences every two years since 1999, to present the results and challenges of remediation, to share the latest R&D results and the findings of experts, and to learn about the possible financial resources for the next period. The conference planned for 2019 provides an opportunity to present the latest R&D results and technological solutions, the measuring and sampling methods for newly discovered pollutants, and the results of the investigation on environmental and health hazards at abandoned, contaminated industrial areas. The current challenges and results of the brownfield area rehabilitation and of the environmental remediation of contaminated areas will be presented through national and international case studies. Companies owning the contaminated areas, state officials, experts of public authorities and legislative bodies will participate at the conference in addition to professional organizations, experts and companies responsible for the analyzing and the implementing, and illustrious members of the academic community.
We are looking for applications in the following topics:
- presenting the research results of academies, universities and other research centres
- introducing R&D and innovative projects executed in the 2014-2020 EU funding period
- 2014-2020 Territorial and settlement development OP 2.2.0 – brownfield related tasks at local governments
- Environmental and Energy Efficiency OP 3.3 – damage control areas
- areas contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons, ideas for damage control
- complex damage control
- monitored natural decomposition
- observations on the remediation of fresh water, catchment plains and sediment
- possibilities for utilizing remediated areas
- observations on utilizing brownfield areas
- the afterlife of remediation
- taking and preparing samples, measuring accuracy, analytics for remediation
- brownfield investment – remediation
Presentations should last maximum 20 minutes. The Organisation Committee decides about accepting presentations.
Submitting the title and a short introduction (2-3 lines) and submitting a 1-page-long abstract: 30 March 2019.
Informing the applicants about the Committee’s decision:5 April 2019.
For application and further information please contact us:
Környezetvédelmi Szolgáltatók és Gyártók Szövetsége (Association of Environmental Enterprises)
1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 11/A. , Tel: 1-350-7271, 1-350-7274, 20/ 364 0964
E-mail: [email protected] Web:
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