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Local “rust belts” and brownfield investments

organised by the

Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises (HAEE)

at the National University of Public Service

29-30 November 2022 

The patron of the conference was the Deputy State Secretary for the Environment of the Ministry of Technology and Industry.

During the two-day conference, participants got an insight into the global trends in the remediation of contaminated sites and the framework and developments of Hungarian national programmes. They could learn about the latest technological solutions in pollution measurement and sampling or different remediation procedures.  Several remediation results were presented at the event that address environmental and health risks.

The chairman of the first day was Dr. Csaba Ágoston, president of the Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises. He thanked all the supporters in his speech and announced that the Remediation Guide, now available online, has been published to assist company liquidations.

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Association of Environmental Enterprises
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