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The aim of our publication is to help the countries situated at the Danube river water catchment area to achieve cleaner environment and cleaner rivers.The negative effects of our human activities, consumer habits are getting moreand more visible: we can no longer go on a hike without seeing the traces oflittering and the roadsides are also “paved” with litter heaps. Our riversideareas require more attention as the waste got to the floodplain is carried awayand transported far by the water, shredded meanwhile faster than on the fields.Therefore an important aim is to keep our waste away from living waters, preventwaste generation if we can, and if the latter is unavoidable, dispose it to the rightplace, to the selective collection points. In our publication, you will find lot of tipson what you can do for a cleaner Danube, Tisza or for the river, stream, creek orstreamlet you live by.

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Association of Environmental Enterprises
Keleti Károly u. 11/A., 1024 Budapest, 
Phone.: 350-7271, 350-7274, 336-0680
e-mail: kszgysz(at)

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