INTERREG - Tid(y)Up - Forrástól a torkolatig

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We are truly honoured that the Tid(y)Up project was selected as a Flagship by the the respective Steering Groups. of EUSDR National Coordinators and Priority Area Coordinators.

Their capacity as representatives and key implementers of the EUSDR, as well as the Danube Strategy Point, are committed to contribute to and promote Danube Strategy Flagships in accordance with the Guidance Paper for identifying and listing Danube Strategy Flagships.

What does it mean?

Danube Strategy Flagships are projects or processes that contribute to the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), have a clear macro-regional dimension and a multi-level governance approach. They are of high importance for the Danube Region’s economic, social and territorial cohesion and for improving the quality of life in the Danube Region.

Danube Strategy Flagships strengthen internal and external communication of the Strategy and the visibility of the topics, initiatives and prospects in the Danube Region. They illustrate the progress achieved in implementing the EUSDR and demonstrate exemplarily significant improvement in the Region that is induced by cooperation.

PA 4 organised data collection on microplastic and is supporting international projects and project proposals on plastic and microplastic like Tid(y)Up, PlasticFreeDanube and MapRiverPlastic. 

Though our project is closed in 2022, we are dedicated to keep up the work on the field of micro and macro plastic contamination assessment and dealing with stopping river polution.

More about the project:  Tid(y) Up ProjectTid(y) Up - Follow the Plastic from the source to the sea

Closing conference of the Tid(y)Up project (November 2022)